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Where to stay - Irkutsk

From simple rooms up to luxurious villas and up to new buildings of socialitic style (Plattenbau) you have a lot of possibilities for staying. Sometimes foreigners and natives are treated in different ways. And sometimes there are still sitting so called deschurnajas - women who observe that everything is all right - at the floors.

People who prefer to get together with like minded people are always very well advised with one of the backpacker hostels. However, they are all - except for Baikalhostel - quite small and often fully booked in summer but the mainly young people are all very friendly and helpful.

Baikalhostel - cheap accommodation

In March 2003 the first Backpacker Hostel of Irkutsk started up, with the support of Baikalplan Germany. [more]


The second hostel in Irkutsk – small but powerful [more]

The Penguin hostel

In the haert of the city, the hostel is a melting pot for all who work ob the Great Baikal Trail. [more]


Even that Irkutsk is very wide spread - there are living about 600,000 inhabitants - you will find only rare hotels. But the infrastructure dependend of tourism is becoming better. [more]

Irkutsk Hostels

In the last couple of years opend [more]


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30 Oct 2007

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