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The Baikalhostel
We have been traveling to Sibiria on a fairly regular basis, over 9 years now! We always stayed with friends and their families in the City of Irkutsk. In Germany people asked whether we could arrange accomodation also for other backpackers. Now we can! In March 2003 the first Backpacker Hostel of Irkutsk started up, situated only a few minutes by bus from the centre of the city .
We guess it will take a little time to substitute the Russian-style-skyscraper building we now welcome our guests in with a traditional wooden Sibirian hut surrounded by a blooming backyard in the core of the city... But vsyo budyet, as a Russian saying goes, means it will work out finally, not full speed ahead, but slowly and steadily as everything goes in Russia. Nevertheless you are already welcome at 136 uliza Lermontova, first floor, in a typical Russian three-bedroom flat with all facilities a traveller needs and which indeed is a comfortable solution for the now!
664017 Irkutsk
136 ul. Lermontova
first floor, apartment 1
phone: +7-3952-52 57 42 or
mobil: +7-3952-94 07 98
Accomodation details:
- three rooms with 4 - 6 beds each
- one double bed room
- free breakfast
- free Pick up service during daytime
- cosy sitting corner
- visa registration
- 24h Check in (but please give us a call or send us an email during low season)
- our STAFF speaks English and German
- help-yourself-kitchen
- separte bathroom, extra toilet
- luggage room (no extra fee)
- phone (local calls are free of charge)
- internet
- blankets (no extra fee)
- map shop
- laundry service
- safe free of charge!
- equipment for rent (tents, saw, axt, Kamik Icers - for safe walking on ice
- taxi service (booking)
- booking service for Hostels around Lake Baikal
- tours
Find in and get helped:
-with your trips to Lake Baikal or the Sayan Mountain Range (cheap transport, maps e.g.)
-with booking a tour with the hostel management (offers range from climbing tours to caving)
Situated between the Railway Station and the dam at the River Angara, on uliza Lermontova 136. Get off at the bus and Marshrutka station Mikrochirurgia glaza. From there it's a 1-minute walk to the Hostel. The apartment is located on a new red brick five floor building near the stop. Look for the advertisment of the shop called "Trojka". The Hostel is just behind the corner.
The following busses (and the so called equivalent marshrutkas=minibusses) run uliza Lermontova:
-from the centre: 1, 3, 7, 10, 24, 84, 90A
-from the train station: 72
-from the airport: 45, 80, 94, 99
good to know:
The choice for a marshrutka (12 Roubles) is always the faster solution, AND has the advantage that you can ask the driver to stop at the requested station by saying:"Mikrochirugia Glasa ostanavitye, poshalista! "when you board the mini bus. When you hop off, you pay. The price for bus is 10 Roubles
Or you catch a taxi. From the city centre the fare should be around 150 Rbl. From the airport or the railway station it should be less but you always have discuss with the driver. So it's better to walk to the next big street or to call a regular taxi service (222-777 or 311-011, 333-555, 444-666, 555-777, 22-22-21).
peak season: 650 Roubles
(01.07. till 31.08.)
off season: 600 Roubles
(01.09. till 30.06.)
double room:
peak season: 1600 Roubles
(01.07. till 31.08.)
off season: 1500 Roubles
(01.09. till 30.06.)
Please find current prices here.
or you can book online our hostel and any hostel worldwide here: