

As you might guess from the history of Irkutsk, there are more museums in this city than you would expect in this remote part of Russia. While visiting one of the museums always keep in mind where you actually are...

Regional Museum

Here you will find an exhibition about Siberia's flora and fauna and the history of the region. We recommend you to visit this place not until you have seen all the other places of interest...

Ulitza Karla Marxa 2
open daily except Monday
10 am - 6 pm

"Decabrists" Museums

Those are surely the most interesting museums in the city, since here, in the old houses of the Decabrists, you are told about the stories and the fate of the people that were banished into this region in 1825. One gets a good impression on how much the Decabrists contributed to the progress of Irkutsk and the surrounding region due to their great personal, financial and non-material support.

House Trubetskoi
Ulitza Dzershinskovo 64
open daily except Tuesday
10 am - 6 pm

House Volkonski
Ulitza Timirazeva
open daily except Monday
10 am - 6 pm

Art Gallery

Of course you cannot expect a Louvre-like selection of masterpieces here, however, it is worth seeing how many paintings made their way to Siberia - sometimes a quite adventurous way. The presence of paintings of quite a number of well known European artists of the 19th century gives you an idea about the far reaching contacts of the citizens of Irkutsk. The section of socialistic art stands in a remarkable contrast to the older paintings, which makes the visit of the exhibition quite a rewarding experience.

Ulitza Lenina 5
open daily except Tuesday
10 am - 6 pm

Museum of Mineralogy

This is the right place to go if you want to see really big crystals and remarkable minerals. Some very impressive specimen from the treasure chamber of Siberia are shown here that will also raise enthusiasm among the experts. Even though all the presentations and explanations of the objects are exclusively in Russian, you will keep the visit of this museum in good memory.

The Icon Collection

Here, in one of the oldest churches in Irkutsk, you will not find a very large number of icons. The few objects shown in this collection are rather a sign of the lack of pictures in the churches of Irkutsk where you will mainly find newly painted icons. So, the few old historical originals are especially interesting and besides, with the entrance fee you support the renovation of Irkutsk's churches.


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30 Jan 2006

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