Bolshoje Goloustnoye
Bolshoje Goloustnoye is situated at a stream of the same name, in a wide and almost treeless region. The first settlers came in the 17th century and later on a chapel was added which showed the way towards the monastery of Posolsk which is situated at the opposite shore of Lake Baikal. One of the most prominent buildings is the St. Niclas Church which was built in the 19th century and which the Soviets let fall into disrepair since 1937. Between 1988 and 1995 the church was restored and 3 years later destroyed by a fire again.
The documentary Ballad of Lake Baikal by the German author Klaus Bednarz was the main reason why the village of Bolshoje Goloustnoye has become famous. Within the last years several environmental protection groups have established. They were involved in the Great Baikal Trail project and a trail had been set up which also was destroyed by the last big forest fires in 2003.
Besides the local forester Lyudmilla Sigeva, it is the American Hank who is well-known in the village. Many of the latest activities were born out of his initiative. Among others he has been involved in establishing a kind of center for environmental related work.
As is customary in the villages of the Baikal region, each house might be a potential lodging. There are also some more or less public hostels. Best you ask for the guesthouse "Lyudmila Sigeva", ul. Sverdlova 40 or for Hank Birnbaum who runs a small guesthouse as well, and can also give useful information about the region. Outside the village there is a yurt camp (the yurts are made of wood) and several cabins which can be used for accomodation.