


Winter in the Transsib

In winter the transsib goes as often and as long as in summer. Only the time tables sometimes are changing. Even at minus 40 degree the trains are going - provided the engine doesn't break out. The windows of the train are covered by amazing ice flowers, the wagons are warm and time is getting by as fast as in summer. Every time the trains arrives a train station the bogie is freed from ice.

The wagons are heated with coal and this way independent from electricity. Every wagon is equipped with its own oven, generator and battery so there will be no loss of comfort in case of delays caused by the weather.

Travelling in winter is a good choice if you don't want to meet lots of tourists. It gives you a great chance to experience how excellent russian people and techniques are adapted to extreme climatical conditions. At stops at trainstations you can - like in summertime - buy all the things you need: beverages, soup, fish, bread, canned foods. Supply with fresh fruits and vegetables is almost as good as in summer. Vodka doesn't freeze under the winterly temperatures and it's getting even more delicious when it's cooled.


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