
Coffee Houses

During the past few years, various small cafe's and restaurants have sprung up, and their number is increasing with every month that goes by. Among them, you will not only find the typical stand-only bars with grumpy personnel but nowadays there are also cosy, small coffee shops and even a genuine Japanese restaurant - in other words: something for everybody and every occasion. The selection below is just the beginning, and since things like these change rather quickly, we appreciate any new hint or comment!

Russkaja Tshainaja
Ulitza Karla Marxa 3, across the street from the theater

open daily from 10am - 11pm
old-Russian teahouse with tsarist style; a little posh and with good music; the staff speak English and French; during summertime with open patio and (live) music, in other words the meeting place for "new Russians" or those who would like to be one...
Coffee 40.- Rbl.
Tea 20.- Rbl.
Tea with milk 30.- Rbl.
Tea with lemon 40.- Rbl.
Dough bag with curd 13.50.- Rbl.
Filo pastry 5.- Rbl.

Ulitza Karla Marxa, next door to the supermarket

open daily from 9am - midnight
small, stylish cafe with very good range of beverages and small exquisite snacks (sweet and hearty); unfortunately, menu and service only in Russian; ordering and payment at the bar
Tea 18.- Rbl.
Tea with lemon 31.- Rbl.
Tea with honey 61.- Rbl.
Coffee Macciato 60.- Rbl.
Cappuccino 60,- Rbl.

Cafe No. 16
Ulitza Cyre Batora 16

Here, you'll get really good espresso and cappuccino, excellent pie and ice cream!!
small, cosy cafe; menu in Russian but staff speak English; not that cheap; clean bathrooms
Tea 25.- Rbl.
Espresso (includes compulsory glass of water!) 40.- Rbl.
Cappuccino 60.- Rbl.
Cup of ice cream 60 - 80.- Rbl.
in addition: pancakes and other dough-products

Baikalski Gosudarstvenni Universitet Ekonomiki i Prava
Ulitza Karla Marxa 9

ask students at the entrance to the university about the cafeteria;
simple and cheap student cafeteria, but with very good service for less money
3 tables and 12 chairs
There's a watchman at the entrance; therefore it's a good idea to enter together with some domestic students.
1 cup of coffee 4.- Rbl.
in addition: sparkling wine, soda, juice, chocolate, fruits, cookies,...

Cafe Kalinka
Ulitza Krasnoarmeiskaja 7

simple and rustic; with background noises and music television; nice and courteous staff; unusual, neat dishes; menu in Russian;
Coffee 35.- Rbl.
Tea 15.- Rbl.
Blini 35.- Rbl.
in addition: typical Pelmeni and salad bar

Pomaschka - Konditerski Magasin
Ulitza Lenina 22

Mo-Sa 9am - 9pm
Su 9am - 7pm
Stand-only cafe with great range of pie, chocolate, and Pishki (delicious little yeast cakes)
Pishki 1kg / 2 pound 30.- Rbl.

Venskoje Cafe
Ulitza Stepana Razina 19

Coffee house in Vienna style with Russian-Austrian owners, just the right thing for homesick people (are there any?!)
really delicious pie; 12 different kinds of coffee, enjoyable music, courteous staff, clean bathrooms,

Coffee Melange (with glass of water) 70.- Rbl.
Cappuccino 60.- Rbl.
Espresso 40.- Rbl.
Tea with lemon 25.- Rbl.


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30 Jan 2006

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