
The wild east of lake Baikal

The east bank of Lake Baikal is not as isolated as one might suspect considering its topographic location and traffic situation. In spite of its distance to the city of Irkutsk, the region recently has been visited not only by Russian tourists but also by an increasing number of foreign travellers. One reason for this development is probably the rail-road Trans-Sibirian, frequented several times a day. It connects the world with Ulan-Ude, the capital of the Republic of Buryatia. The former Kozakian monastery was founded in the 17th century and through the resistance of its native, Buryatian inhabitants against Russification it has kept a typical Asian flair, in contrast to many other towns around Lake Baikal. Ulan-Ude is the starting point for all travelling descriptions at the east bank of lake Baikal which follow. Some of the destinations described are the Buddhist monastery Ivolginsk, the peninsula with the rather remarkable name "Swyatoi Nos - Holy Nose", the Chamar Daban Mountain Range, the huge Selenga-Delta and the Ushkani- Islands.

Swjatoi Nos - Lake Baikal has a holy nose

There are many mystic places around Lake Baikal. Svyatoi Nos is one of them already by its cranky name: The Holy Nose Peninsula [more]

The Ushkanin Archipel

The Ushkanin islands which are situated in the middle of the lake and which are a place of pilgrimage of biologists of all the world. [more]

Khamar Daban Mountain Range

Well there is no mountain range situated closer to Irkutsk then the Khamar Daban Mountain Range. Although there are more then three Transsib stops on the way: Sludyanka, Baikalsk and Tankhoy. [more]

Baikalsk - Tourism beside the cellulose factory

Only very few places on Lake Baikal have acquired such high publicity internationally as the small town of Baikalsk. [more]

Ulan Ude – Capital of the Buryat Republic

Ulan Ude is situated exactly 330 km in the south-east of Irkutsk and a place which invites its guests to stay. [more]

The Selenga Delta

At any time the large Delta of the Selenga river offers a awsome nature and lot's of birds.[more]

The Monastry of Posolsk

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