From Irkutsk to Listvyanka
If you are looking for the fastest way to get to Lake Baikal from Irkutsk by bike, your only possibility is the direct route parallel to the river Angara leading you to Lisvyanka 70 km away. The road is in perfect condition for Russian circumstances, but it is characterised by dozens of ascents and descents (flat parts are completely missing). It is true that they all are not excessively long, but because of the heavy and frequent ascents they require a certain sportiness of the rider.
For the exertion you will be compensated by a stunning view over Lake Baikal though. It is not recommended to do the ride at weekends, because many habitants of Irkutsk use the good weather for a trip to Listvyanka and therefore the streets can get very crowded. During the weeks you won't get to know the true promise of absolute Siberian loneliness either, but riding is quite pleasant. A big disadvantage is the fact that the street is a huge dead-end street and therefore you are forced to take the same way back to Irkutsk.