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Navigation: Home:: Buryatia:: Sayan:: Tunka Valley:: Tunkinsky Golzy

Trekking Tour across the Tunkinsky Golzy

Start from Arshan and walk along the rocky shores of the river Kyngarga that has already formed a deep valley in the surrounding landscape. Head directly towards the Tunkinskij Glozi mountains. Depending on the water level you will have to cross the river several times - don't expect your feet to stay dry. You will see many beautiful water falls on your way. One of the broader, dry banks of the river serves as a lovely campsite. Depending on how early you started that day continue your walk along the Kyngarga river and up to Arshan pass. The last part of the route is very steep and hard to walk. Some longer sections consist of grass-covered areas. You reach the pass at a hight of 2200 m above sea level. From here you have a magnificent view over the mountain chains of the Eastern Sayan. The way down to the river Kitoi is also not very easy to walk. Once you reached the river the route leads you upstream (!!) for the next days. Along the shores you will find quite a number of beautiful spots for camping. 2 km after the path reaches the river Kitoi, the Jeche Ger flows into it and 20 km further upstream the river Biluta meets the Kitoi. Then the river starts to widen up and a couple of km further the Shumak river flows into the Kitoi. From this junction the trail now follows the Shumak river, again, upstream, to the Shumak springs.

Just as the mood takes you, stay at the springs for a couple of days and enjoy yourself. The spring waters are said to have healing power and a bath in one of the hot springs is very relaxing. Directly next to the springs there are some cabins for rent that can be locked. However, during July they are usually all booked out. The trail continues upstream until it reaches the tree line and a lovely water fall. From here it becomes quite steep and reaches the Shumak pass at a hight of 2768 above sea level. The way down to Choito Gol or Nilova Pustina leads you through the valley of the river Jeche Ger. Please note: It is not possible to buy food or anything else on your way. For most of the time you will walk along rivers and streams. You should be aware that this can be very dangerous during, or shortly after, heavy rain falls.


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