Travelling to Russia
Here you'll find everything which can be asked concerning the subject
"Travelling to Siberia" - how to get there best, what are the most
beautiful hiking areas and where to find a lodging in Irkutsk and your
first Pelmeni...
In the last years, Russia has developed very fast. Just have a look at
the counters and booths... But also things that are quite
important for tourists like cafes and taxiranks, sprang up like
mushrooms during the last 3 years and make travelling much easier. But
this also means, that we are very thankful for every updating of our news we can get
from you, because it's somehow impossible to stay on the ball when we are in Germany. We are travelling at least two times a year to Irkutsk, nevertheless we are always surprised how quick things change over there.
Concerning equipment and recommendations/suggestions for tours, please
have a look at the heading "hints".